Archives for July 2014

BEWARE of FAKE Locksmiths! There are lots of them in Tallahassee.

About every month or two, a new locksmith appears online. Although I am referring to Tallahassee, this happens in every city in Florida, all of the time. I mentioned in a previous article how Florida does not regulate the locksmith industry, so anyone can call his or herself a locksmith. Often some guy discovers he can open a car, and confers the locksmith title upon himself; sometimes they can’t even do that, but takes the title, nonetheless  Regardless, these folks are the scourge of this industry.


There are several basic things you should be observant of:


1. Do they arrive in an unmarked vehicle, or, just as bad, do they arrive in a vehicle marked with the word “locksmith,” with no other contact information? This is a MAJOR warning sign!

2) Do they have company identification, and/or company uniforms of some kind?

3) Do they have a company website? Now, this factor alone is not a determinant; Tallahassee has a few bona fide locksmith companies who have NO website, and one company (with a good website) who  is NOT a locksmith, but merely a referral service;  you cannot discern this by looking at the web site.  A website is an important piece of information, though; there is no excuse for a real locksmith company not to have a web site. In this day and age, anyone can have a web site.

4)Do they give you a straight, upfront price for specified work, and do they STICK to that price?

5) Do they have liability insurance? A real locksmith company has this. Always. A real locksmith company will show you their insurance binder if you request.

6) Do they have ties to the community? Are they members of any business organization (Chamber of Commerce, etc.)?